Monday, August 11, 2008

Cokie Roberts: Haole Idiot

Newsflash: East Coast intellectual snob flummoxed over African-American male spiriting off to an exotic locale to do god knows what.

Just the fact that this colonial hag felt she had to clarify that Hawaii is a state is reason enough to back Obama; just so she'll clutch her purse that much tighter when a darkie walks past.


Unknown said...

...must be a slow day for vivachucktodd.

He's not African-American, he's American. You're just mad because he's not doing as well as all you leftists think he should be doing in the polls. Obama should have a 20 point lead over McCain in the polls.

Anonymous said...

so she'll clutch her purse that much tighter when a darkie walks past.
lol. I know I keep a close eye on my wallet when Mr. Itch is around!

The Commodore