Monday, June 30, 2008

Quantum of Solace trailer

If my November 7th weekend consists of Bond, President-Elect Obama, Opus One and a Davidoff Churchill I will be a happy man.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Launches:
Numbers rule and so should Chuck

Many readers of our companion blog Viva Chuck Todd have been lamenting the understandable absence of The Chuck. It has been cruel summer so far, but we think we found the right place to lift a Chuckolyte's spirits: A page with links to all you need to know about the ultimate political candidate of the season. There are new e-cards, polls, Chuck08 merchandise in which all proceeds go to Tim Russert charities and links to other supporters of this fine endeavor.

Let us know what you think about If we hear from enough of you we may actually get him to run.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

F%$#ing Vulgar

Hell, we're America. We'll capitalize on anything hot to make a buck.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

John McCain:Luddite

Not only does this man declare himself to be "illiterate" concerning the most ubiquitous device since the television, but finds it amusingly quaint to admit that he needs his wife's help. I'm starting to think he's as bright as Bush with slightly better syntax.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Disbelief owns the night: Tim Russert 1950-2008

Keith Olbermann does what he does best for a figure lost from our daily routines.

Tim Russert was a man that demanded that we all pause. Pause what we were doing because his word and his alone validated the days events on all things political. His declaration of Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee after the Indiana primary was the unofficial whistle that ended the Democratic Primary season. His statement to that effect, lit up Blackberries across the beltway and people listened. He had power. Power earned from respect, intellect and experience. Power that had a countervailing humility and warmth that no other journalist could match.

You will be missed, mourned and remembered Mr. Russert. And forever conjured by fans who will remark, "I wonder what Russert would think of that?"

A glass will be raised to you on election night. For it will be a little less enjoyable because you wont be there to enjoy it with us.

Our thought and prayers to you, your family and your friends.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Free Father's Day e-cards from Cerebral Itch

You knew we couldn't resist bringing the Cerebral Itch flavor down on Father's Day. With that said, we have 12 new Father's Day e-cards that will most assuredly make the old man laugh...hard. Here's a sample:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

We live in historic times

Below is an excerpt of an email sent to Columnist Andrew Sullivan from one of his readers for his blog the Daily Dish. I felt it needed to be reprinted so others could feel something, if not new, long absent.

Tomorrow I will go to the African American cemetery outside of Chicago where my great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, and my mother and father are buried. And I will tell them that they were right -- that if we studied hard, worked hard, kept the faith, fought for justice, prayed, that this day would come.

And it has.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Viva Chuck Todd

Okay, bear with us on this one.

We launched another blog - Viva Chuck Todd

I know, I know what you're going to say: "You were barely able to keep this one under control ya' dragass!" Fair enough, but this one's different in the fact that people actually read it. There's several contributors who aren't as bitter as me, Chuck Todd swag and free Chuck Todd-themed e-cards.

If you don't know who Chuck Todd is, you should. He's the NBC News Political Director and sort of the unlikely hero of this clusterf*k of the now near-death (thank god) primary season. Chuck Todd is a brilliant, humble and unflappable guy who makes you actually believe someone at least knows what the hell is going on. If you're a fan of The Chuck get over there and join your brethren, if not, stay here. Veejay and Silvio made fake press credentials at Kinkos and are with the Clinton people in Puerto Rico. You know that's not good.